Finding Magic Word Squares

You might have heard of palindromic sentences. You can read the letters in these sentences forwards of backwards, and they’ll still form the same words. Try reading these sentences backwards: But there is another word play that is even more impressive: a magic word square. This one was very famous in ancient roman times: It’s … Read more

On Being an iOS Developer

Smartphones became the tool for reaping most of the magic modern society brought: they enable us to order lunch, get hotel rooms, consult the global knowledge, communicate with to each other, and so much more. In a world where the smartphone is akin to a magic wand, mobile apps are the spells. Everyone’s more excited … Read more

Code it, and they will come… or will they?

With enough and time and programming skills, a single person can create an app that will do almost anything you can imagine. Yes, creating something that will change the world does not sound far-fetched for coders. Maybe that’s why many of us are attracted to entrepreneurship. The problem is, most coders don’t realize it takes … Read more

Solving the Zebra Puzzle with Boolean Algebra

In this post, we’ll tackle one the most famous puzzles in the world: The Zebra Puzzle, also known as Einstein’s riddle. Legend goes that Einstein invented the riddle himself, and that only 2% of people are able to solve it. I call bullshit on that. It’s already widely accepted that Einstein didn’t invent the riddle. … Read more