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The foundations programmers and knowledge workers need to maximize their effectiveness

Explore the inner workings of the Internet, learn to manipulate and extract knowledge from data, and discover how to do it securely using cryptography.


“I recommend it to folks that already work with technology for gaining broader insight and choosing areas to study further.”

Fabiano Cancela

Data analyst & co-founder at Rock Content

“Incredibly accurate, and yet very easy to grasp. This book will make you a better developer.”

Franck Jeannin


“A beautiful combination of deep and thoughtful content and superb writing, with clear and compelling examples.”

Michael Ullman, PhD

Prof. of Neuroscience, Georgetown University

The most impactfuL Topics for programmers in A single book

Despite the big jump in the number of programers in the job market, tech companies are still struggling to hire. In 2020, US labor statistics listed 1,4 million unfulfilled programming jobs. Yet, there are thousands of programmers available for hire on Upwork and Fivver…

This shows that to thrive as a programmer, just doing the basics isn’t enough anymore. You must go above and beyond to keep on learning and discovering ways to make your code unleash more power.

In other words, tech companies are not in lack of people who know how to code—they’re looking for coders with more knowledge. For example, many programmers are often looked down on simply for not knowing about TCP/IP.

That’s super unfair! So we set out to do something about it. We consulted with entrepreneurs and CEOs over the years to uncover the technical knowledge that’s most desirable for new recruits.

The “Big Four” topics every programmer should look into

The topics that CEOs and tech leaders cited as the most important can be grouped into four fields. We call them “the big four”. Just being aware of these fields, and being excited to explore them, puts you way ahead in the game.

  1. THE INTERNETKnowing how it works is a prerequisite for creating world-changing apps. Trust us, once you truly understand what the Internet is capable of, you’ll feel much more confidence in your coding skills.
  2. CYBERSECURITY1,000+ data breach cases happened in the US in 2020. You don’t want to be responsible for the next. Learning the M.O. of hackers is the only way to defend yourself. Cybersecurity includes cryptography: by knowing the basics, you greatly decrease your odds of producing security goofs.
  3. DATA ANALYSISThis enables you to act according to data, rather than hunches—just as the greatest leaders do. It also equips you to deal with scientific charts (histograms, boxplots, etc), so you can express your points clearly through data and win over your peers. It is essential for reading and writing reports, white papers, and other valuable documents.
  4. MACHINE LEARNINGIt consists in making computers predict the future using past data, which gives an enormous edge. TikTok uses it to personalize feeds that keep people hooked. Uber uses it to forecast demand for car rides. This isn’t rocket science: once you understand the framework, it’s easy to get started. And after your code starts making predictions, you’ll feel like a tech-sage wizard!

Programmers who master the big-four are an elite force, changing the world for good while making six figures in the process. The book we’re presenting here is a neat way to get started in all these four topics in one go.


Sadly, Only a few ever learn the big four…

Learning the big-four ain’t easy. It’s hard to even know where to start. Almost all the books about these topics are tailored for academics, and are thus super boring and unfriendly.

Just ask the college students who are force-fed mainstream academic books. It’s no wonder computer science courses have the highest drop-out rate, according to HESA.

When people finally give up academic books, they often try to “wing it”, reading unstructured material, watching obscure video-lessons… But learning from a neatly structured source is much better!

That’s why our first book was a hit!

Our first book, “Computer Science Distilled”, exploded! It was translated into five languages and sold over 80 thousand copies. And it sits on bookstore shelves beside bestselling books:

When I say “us”, it’s our big team of two: Moto and Wlad. Moto is a mechanical engineer specialized in aerodynamics at Caltech/EPFL. And I’ve been programming for 15+ years. Our goal is to rescue programmers from sleep-inducing textbooks.


So we got to work on a book introducing the big-four in our battle-tested style. We wanted to carve out a path for coders who want to grow their technical knowledge without the frustration of getting stuck on academic books.

Announcing our NEW BOOK!

After endless writing and editing… our second book is here! It’s called Computer Science Unleashed, and it’s the easiest way to jumpstart your learning journey through the big-four. Check it out:

We made hundreds of illustrations, and rewrote every paragraph at least five times to make the text as easy to understand as possible… but boy, was it worth it! Early reviews suggest Computer Science Unleashed will be a big hit. To give you a preview of what the book has in store, let me walk you through some of the coolest points it covers…


the quickest guide to Networking

We untangle networking terms such as port numbers, sockets, packets… You’ll get why these terms exist—which improves your work communication and saves you from awkward newbie questions.

the chief mechanism of the net

Everything on the Internet uses one addressing scheme (IP) and two types of connections (TCP and UDP). Learning those increases your dev firepower: you’ll do Internet-connected apps faster.

Who’s in charge of the “.com” names?

The answer will surprise you. Knowing this gives you competence to own domains and fully control your Internet presence.


Most apps send emails to their users—yet many programmers can’t even tell what an email is, and how it travels through the Internet. We’ll show you.


the secret to breaking encrypted code

We’ll show you how subtle patterns can break secret encryption. This will give you a deep understanding of why strong cryptography is essential.

how to encrypt messages like the fbi

Strong cryptography comes in two forms: stream ciphers and block ciphers. You’ll learn which to use according to your specific needs.

magic digital fingerprints

This technology is right at the core of Bitcoin—and we’ll show you how to put them to work for you!

what never to trust on the internet

Only by using digital signatures, you can be sure no hacker is eavesdropping on you. Digital signatures are also at the core of Bitcoin—they can be used to make digital identities without a central authority.

beware: hackers are at large!

We’ll show you different types of security holes, how they come about, and how hackers exploit them. You’ll develop a keen eye to identify simple security threats and propose ways to fix them.


collect & Process data

The types of useful data you can collect and the step-by-step procedure to safely collect and polish your data, to ensure it’s good for analysis.

unleash the power of data

How to make sense of your data. This includes creating averages and summaries that quickly present the story your data is telling (including scatterplots, time series, histograms, log scales, and more).

data-driven decision-making

Using data without a scientific approach leads to costly mistakes. By only relying on your overall impression of the data, you invite uncertainly and stress. We’ll teach you a framework for sound, data-driven decision-making.


predict the future

You’ll learn how to extract every bit of interesting information out of your data, and properly feed it into machine learning code for predictions.

measure predictive power

By correctly measuring predictive performance, you’ll be confident in the extent your model can be trusted to help you out in the real world.

Fine-tuning predictions

For algorithms to work well, lots of adjustments are needed. You’ll feel the thrill as you watch your predictions get better and better as you adjust!

Why you should order this book

To summarize: this book will get you real exposure to the hottest fields that are shaping the contemporary tech scene—in just 270-pages made for beginners—without confusing jargon or boring academic formalities.

Internet—Cybersecurity—Data Science—Machine Learning. Committing to learn these fields is one of the best choices for your career. Computer Science Unleashed will gently get you started, requiring zero prior programming knowledge—even total beginners can read it. But there’s more…

🔥 Bonus Chapter: Regular Expressions!

This superpower enables you to search through raw-text even when you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. How would you search a txt file for a sentence including the words “restaurant” and “London“, without manually looking for the words individually? We’ll show you.

Regular expressions are also useful for complex find-and-replace tasks. How would you replace all things in brackets [example] to make them be in parenthesis (example)? You’ll see how to do these boring tasks literally 10x faster!

Everyone who orders the book with us today will receive this bonus chapter for free, plus our crazy guarantee that no bookstore has ever dared to offer…

Guaranteed Programming Improvement

Guaranteed programming improvement

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We truly believe this book has a good chance of helping you become a better programmer. Navigating these tech topics alone as a beginner is tough. So please, give us the opportunity to walk you through them… you have an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee until x if you order the book today.